2016-10-6 16:02 eros10
Panda Hit v1.0.0





[b][color=#2E9AFE]Description :[/color][/b]
[quote][b] In the game you play as a Panda who's house is endangered after being invaded by enemies. Your job is to fight these invaders and kill your enemies. There are multiple levels in the game and you need to clear them one by one. Your Panda in the Panda hit game is well equipped with unique skills and loaded with weapons. Upgrade weapons by winning 繼續開新戶,繼續性宣傳!ls as you go ahead in the game as it will help you defeat the enemies quickly and easily

[b][color=#2E9AFE]Info :[/color][/b]
[b]Requirements : Android 2.3+
Size : 41 mb[/b]



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